Sunday, October 31, 2010

Moving the Blog

I've decided to start a blog using wordpress! It looks like a cool site and I like the layouts etc so I am switching over. I would love to see you there!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Found the Funky Chair

I've been shopping around at Antique Stores, Yard Sales, the Goodwill Store, Craigslist etc.  Looking for a funky chair that I can use as a prop for portraits.  I went to a yard sale a few weeks ago and the guy asked me if I was looking for anything in particular.  I told him I was looking for a funky chair and he actually described it back to me pretty well...he got it!  Most of the time when I am asked if I need help finding what I am looking for (especially in an antique store) I usually tell people no, that I will know it when I see it.  Well yesterday Ray and I were out walking around downtown Atascadero after meeting Patricia Newton, the newest artist at  Envisions Gallery  and I saw "it"!  I saw it, in of all places, the back of a pick-up truck in downtown Atascadero.  I had to run home to get some cash since I wasn't out shopping for a chair at the time, and especially not in the back of pick-ups!
I have big plans for this beauty in the form of gorgeous purple velvet fabric that I happened to pick up at a garage sale a few weeks ago.  More photos to follow!